Travel alert
Before your trip, check the the latest government advice for any travel alerts for your destination.

What cover does nib Travel Insurance offer for luggage and personal effects?

While we can’t guarantee that nothing will happen to your luggage on your trip, if for some unexpected reason your luggage doesn’t make it to your destination with you, it’s damaged, or permanently lost or stolen, travel insurance may be able to help.

nib Travel Insurance offers cover for luggage and personal effects on:

  • International plans: Comprehensive, Essentials and Annual Multi Trip plans
  • Domestic plans: Australian Travel Plan only

nib Travel Insurance cover may help if:

  • Your luggage and personal effects that are accompanying you on your trip are accidentally lost, stolen or damaged – this includes new items you buy while on holiday.
  • If your dentures or dental prostheses are accidentally lost or damaged when they are not with you, while on your trip.
  • Your medical prescription is lost, stolen or damaged and you incur a cost to get new medication.
  • Your luggage or personal effects are stolen or damaged when:
    • You’ve left them concealed in a locked motor vehicle, motor home or caravan, and they are stolen or damaged during daylight hours. (Must be proof of forced entry into the vehicle for this cover to apply.)
    • You’ve left them in a locked storage facility. (Must be proof of forced entry into the facility.)

What’s covered will depend on the plan you purchase, so it’s worth considering the value of the personal effects you plan to take with you and how much cover you’ll need.

An illustration of a person walking through the airport with suitcases

Summary of cover by plans

BenefitInternational Plan

For travel outside Australia including on Australian coastal and territorial waters

(Applicable limits per adult)

Domestic Plans

For travel within Australia only (excludes Australian coastal and territorial waters)

(Applicable limits per adult)

ComprehensiveEssentialsAnnual Multi TripAustralian Travel PlanCancellation and Additional Expenses Plan
Luggage and personal effects maximum limit $12,000 $5,000 $12,000 $4,000 Not insured
Personal computer, camera, video individual item limit $4,000 See Individual item limit $4,000 $1,000 Not insured
Smartphones individual item limit $1,000 See Other individual item limit $1,000 $1,000 Not insured
Other individual item limit $700 $500 $700 $500 Not insured
Emergency luggage $500 $200 $500 $500 Not insured
Stolen cash $250 Not insured $250 Not insured Not insured
Hiring replacement golf and surf equipment $200 Not insured $200 $200 Not insured
Replacement passports and travel documents $3,000 $1,000 $3,000 Not insured Not insured
Fraudulent use of credit or debit cards $3,000 Not insured $3,000 $3,000 Not insured

This is a summary of cover only and does not include the full terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions as outlined in the Product Disclosure Statement

What is not covered on nib Travel Insurance’s luggage and personal effects cover?

Travel insurance is designed to help for those unexpected events that can take place while travelling. Some things we don’t cover include:
  • Fraudulent, criminal or dishonest acts by you or a member of your travelling party – this includes if you or a member of your travelling party fraudulently use credit cards.
  • Intoxication – if you or a member of your travelling party is intoxicated with drugs or alcohol and it causes the loss or damage to your personal effects, it may not be covered.
  • Damage to computer, tablet, smartphone screens or software or applications at any time.
  • Luggage or personal effects transported separately from you.
  • Luggage or personal effects for which you are entitled to compensation from the carrier – you may need proof that you have applied to the carrier for compensation and the outcome of that application for any claim you may make.
  • Unattended or unprotected luggage or personal effects.
  • Your computers, smartphones, communication or camera equipment, electronic equipment, jewellery or watches left by you in a motor vehicle, a motor home or a caravan for any length of time, even if they are locked in.
  • Personal computers, smartphones, communication or camera equipment, electronic equipment, jewellery or watches checked in as luggage.
There are some things we’re just not able to offer cover for

Please check carefully and read the Policy Disclosure Statement for the full details so you understand the cover available and all exclusions.

Making a claim

If it’s an emergency: (for example, you were robbed or have a medical issue), call nib International Assistance. For other questions, contact our Customer Service Team.

Keep all appropriate reports and documentation for your claim: contact local police as soon as possible after you realise something was lost, stolen or vandalised and make a police report, and contact the transport company (carrier), hotel or tour guide, whichever is appropriate, and request reports or documentation recording the loss or damage. You may need to provide any documents or letters relating to a claim such as original receipts, rental agreements, repair quotes, ticket and luggage checks, at your own expense.

Depreciation: once you’ve made a claim and it’s been accepted, the value of your claim may then depreciate. The depreciation amount will depend on how old the item is and how much its original purchase price was. How to calculate deprecation is outlined in your policy.

Need to make a claim?

If you need to make a claim, you can do it online anywhere, anytime. And we'll work to assess it as quickly as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

If my bags are lost or stolen will I be reimbursed straight away so I can replace them?
You will need to submit a claim for your lost or stolen good. If you claim is approved, we will, after allowing for wear, tear, and depreciation, choose to: pay or reimburse the cost of repairing your item; or replace your property; or pay you its depreciated value. Claims can take up to 10 workings days to process once we have all the relevant documentation.

If my luggage or personal items have been locked in a storage facility for more than a few days, am I covered if they are stolen?
No, luggage or personal effects left in a locked storage facility for longer than 48 hours will not be covered. If a theft occurs when left under 48 hours, there must be proof of forced entry into the facility.

My precious gold coin purchased at the Perth Mint was stolen while on my trip, am I covered?
No, gold or precious metals, precious unset or uncut gemstones are not covered.

My iPhone began to rust while holidaying by the beach, am I covered?
No, losses arising from wear and tear or depreciation of property or damage by the action of insects or vermin, mildew, humidity, rust or corrosion are not covered.