Travel alert
Before your trip, check the the latest government advice for any travel alerts for your destination.

Cover offered for coronavirus-related events

Cover for some coronavirus related events is available on all our plans (excl. the Cancellation and Additional Expenses Plan), but the types of benefits and benefit limits vary.

As much as we’d love to cover every coronavirus-related scenario that a traveller can think of, that’s not what travel insurance is designed to do, so read the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) carefully to know what is, and isn’t, covered.

A smiling woman wearing a bandana and carrying a bag on a hike

Our policies include plans which offer cover for:

Overseas Medical Benefit
If you get sick with coronavirus while on your trip, all of nib’s International travel insurance plans include cover for overseas medical expenses. As always, these are subject to our terms, conditions and exclusions around existing medical conditions.
Medical evacuation and repatriation
All nib Travel insurance plans (except Cancellation and Additional Expenses plan) include cover for medical evacuation and repatriation if we agree it’s medically necessary, up to the relevant benefit limit.
Coronavirus Travel Costs
Our Coronavirus Travel Costs benefit is available on the International Comprehensive, Australian Travel and Annual Multi Trip plans. Plans including Coronavirus Travel Costs can provide cover for several coronavirus related events, including cover for quarantine expenses and trip cancellation if you are diagnosed with coronavirus, up to the relevant benefit limit.

Coronavirus Travel Costs benefit

Only available on the International Comprehensive, Australian Travel and Annual Multi Trip plans.

The Coronavirus Travel Costs benefit includes cover for the following events, up to the limits shown in the table below:

  • Non-refundable travel costs incurred if the traveller or a member of the travelling party is certified as medically unfit to travel due to being diagnosed with coronavirus. We may offer cover if you incur expenses related to: additional travel, accommodation, meals, internet use and emergency telephone calls.
  • Non-refundable trip costs if a close relative in Australia is hospitalised or dies due to being diagnosed with coronavirus.
  • Non-refundable travel costs if the insured is permanently employed as a healthcare worker, residential care worker or law enforcement officer and their pre-approved leave is cancelled due to coronavirus.
  • Your pre-paid tour is cancelled due to your tour guide being diagnosed with coronavirus.
  • When the insured’s accommodation is closed for cleaning or there’s a staff shortage due to a confirmed case of coronavirus
  • If boarding scheduled public transport is denied because the insured is suspected of being infected with coronavirus.
  • Costs for compulsory quarantine if during the trip the insured is diagnosed with coronavirus or is a confirmed ‘close contact’.
  • Childcare costs if the insured gets coronavirus during the trip and is unable to take care of their dependent children as a result.
  • Care for pets back home if the insured is diagnosed with coronavirus during their trip and as a result is unable to return home as scheduled.
A man and two children smiling and laughing while packing a suitcase.

nib Travel Insurance coronavirus related event benefit limits

Applicable limits per adult

International ComprehensiveAnnual Multi TripInternational EssentialsAustralian Travel PlanCancellation and Additional Expenses Plan
Medical Expenses Overseas^
Medical Expenses Overseas^
Medical Expenses Overseas^
Medical Expenses Overseas^
Not Applicable
Medical Expenses Overseas^
Not Insured
Medical Evacuation and Repatriation
Medical Evacuation and Repatriation
Medical Evacuation and Repatriation
Medical Evacuation and Repatriation
Medical Evacuation and Repatriation
Not Insured
Coronavirus Travel Costs
Coronavirus Travel Costs
Coronavirus Travel Costs
Not Insured
Coronavirus Travel Costs
Coronavirus Travel Costs
Not Insured

^ Medical/evacuation benefits provided for up to 12 months from the date on illness or injury; medical expenses incurred in Australia are not covered.
# Sub-limits apply.
This is a brief summary of cover and does not include the full terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Please read the international and domestic Product Disclosure Statement (PDS).

What's not covered

  • While a country or region has a DFAT 'Do Not Travel' warning in place for an event, our travel insurance won't cover travellers for losses that arise from that event if they: plan to travel to; travel to; or remain in that country or region. This includes claims relating to COVID-19 for travel in a country or region where there is a DFAT ‘Do Not Travel’ warning in place due to COVID-19, regardless of the date the policy is purchased.
  • Losses arising from government intervention or regulation, including travel bans.
  • Where a traveller knowingly puts themselves into a risky situation.
  • The purchasing of a policy after they become aware of an event that could lead to a claim.
  • Travelling against the advice of a doctor.
  • Quarantine when required as a matter of course (required by the general population) when returning to Australia or travelling interstate or overseas.
A man standing in an airport looking at his phone.